Your practice solution

Professor Nick Harding OBE - Chief Medical Officer (CMO)

Being a great GP is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but our role is becoming increasingly challenging on many fronts. We face more complex patient health issues, evolving medical treatments and increasingly burdensome practice management which can divert us from delivering patient care. From conversations I have every day with fellow GPs, it's clear we are all feeling these pressures.

The current business ownership model, once supportive, now struggles to meet rising patient demand and financial pressures. GPs are finding it harder to balance patient care with administrative duties, leading to concerns about maintaining quality care and practice viability.

With Operose Health you can secure your practice’s future, ensure continuity for your patients and staff and refocus your time back to patient care.

Professor Nick Harding OBE
Chief Medical Officer at Operose Health

Our process

Phase one: Introduction & understanding

Initial calls held with practice partners and the site is visited to understand motivations for a merger with Operose Health. This concludes with a NDA for confidentiality.

Phase two: Initial information review

Evaluation of practice's performance and structure. A decision to proceed starts negotiation of non-binding Heads of Terms. 

Phase three: Due diligence

In-depth examination of the practice, including partner salary expectations and legal inquiries. Integration teams are introduced, who conduct further visits to map clinical governance and operations. On agreement, a Business Transfer Agreement is signed.

Phase four: Integration

The practice is integrated into Operose Health teams, with a 'First 100 Days' plan for seamless integration. This addresses minor changes and ensures staff and patient satisfaction with consistent care.


Request an initial, confidential discussion with our team.